Saturday, December 5, 2009

Game Time

I am not good at writing my thoughts down. So why did I think a blog was a good idea? Ask any of my cards, no letters ever...well, hardly ever.

Well, I am giving this the old college try.

2010 is THE YEAR for getting organized and to simplify life.
No more delays. In fact the process has begun.

First, twelve pieces of unused furniture left for more loving homes. Aren't thrift shops great?

Second, a full box of games and puzzles are making their way to the Philippines for use at a seaside camp. Friends came for Thanksgiving and had the fun of picking through all the games for any that they wanted. They also parted with a clock radio for their enjoyment. They didn't leave with any turkey, though.

So now the task at hand is the rest of the games...where do they go and what IS the limit for games and puzzles to keep in a household of 2 adults and 3 cats? (and yes, the cats do enjoy playing a bit of toss the dice occasionally.)

So we are on our way. This journey of simplification of life.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for that link, Sue! The cat pictures were great.

    Andrea xx
